Kua hīkaka katoa mātou o Ngā Māhuri te ako e pā ana Te Tiri o Te Moana. Ko ētahi wheako hou, ko ngā inenga mahana, ko ngā kararehe, ko ngā rautaki kia noho mahana ngā kararehe me ngā tāngata ki reira! Ka nui te rangatira o ngā mahi ako i tērā wiki. Karawhiua ko ngā mahi e haere tonu mai ana. Tirohia ki ngā toka haupapa i hangaia mātou ki te kāinga.
(The class of Ngā Māhuri was super excited to learn new things about Antarctica. We learnt about the extreme temperatures and how cold it is down there, the different animals and how they keep themselves warm. Last week was an awesome week and we look forward to the upcoming weeks ahead. Check out some of the icebergs we made at home and bought into class)